
100 Questions, Part 3

Our third serving of Hot Chocolate With God answers coming right up…

21) Where do you live right now?

Idleyld Park

22) Do you live in the country, the city, a town, or a village?


23) Do you live near the ocean or mountains?

I live near the ocean.  The Pacific ocean.

24) Do you live anywhere near an anthill?  Did you ever accidentally sit on it?

Sometimes I find some anthills.  I don’t sit on them.

25) If you could live anywhere in the entire world, where would you live, and why?

I would live in Portland because it’s fun.  I’ve played with my cousins there.

26) When you were a baby or a toddler, did you have a special blanket or stuffed animal?  Did it have a name?

It looked kind of like a horse, but it wasn’t because it had small ears and no tail.  Except it still had a mane, and it just had padded feet.  And it was a mammal and it was a toy llama.  I think it was Rebekah.  [Mom’s note:  this is all news to me!  Miss Esmé was into rotation of animals, in reality.]

27) Did you suck your thumb or a pacifier?

Thumb.  OK, it was a dummy.  But now I’m sucking my thumb!  Wah wah wah…

28) How many baby teeth do you still have?


29) How many horse teeth do you have?

I don’t know.  No, it’s 1.  It’s kind of flat, but pointed.  No, I think horse teeth are flat.

30) Where is the weirdest place where you lost a baby tooth?

I have not lost any baby teeth.

100 Questions, Part 2

Our next serving of Hot Chocolate With God answers coming right up…

11) What do you want for your birthday this year?

Is it my birthday already?  Let me think.  You can ask me again.

12) Do you share the same birthday with anyone else in your family or anyone else you know?  If you do, who?

Maybe when I turn 5, maybe I will [share the same birthday].  But not right now.  I can’t wait til I turn 5!  And then my feet are gonna be maybe THIS wide and THIS tall!

13) Weight and height at birth?

7 1/2 lbs, 20 inches

14) Did you have a lot of hair when you were born or were you bald?

I think I had a little bit of hair.

15) Hair color when you were born – and right now?

I think it was kind of a little brown.  Now it’s brownish blonde.  It’s turning blonde right now!  I can’t wait til my hair turns blonde!

16) Eye color?


17) Who else in your family has the same eye color that you have?

My [stuffed] puppy – when her eyes turn blue.  But they’re usually brown.

18) Are you having fun answering these questions?


19) What time were you born?

I don’t even know.  [Mom inserts here:  1 a.m.]

20) Where were you born?


11)  Back to that birthday wish thing again:

The beautifullest thing that I want is GOLD paint.  I would paint my schoolhouse with it.  Gold is my favorite color. 

[Mom inserts here:  I thought pink was your favorite color.]

Yeah.  It’s gold-pink.  Gold means shiny.  I want my schoolhouse to be shiny pink.